Types of coffee do not recommend you to drink

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Types of coffee is considered one of the most popular drinks for Thai people. In addition, coffee also has a variety of menus. However, for health reasons, Dr. Atthasit Saksuthaporn, owner of the YouTube channel Don’t leave your life with the doctor, has posted a clip recommending 4 types of coffee menus that are definitely not recommended to be consumed. โปรโมชั่น ufabet Let’s see what they are.

4 types of coffee that are not recommended to drink

1. Orange coffee 

Since most orange coffee uses orange juice from a box as an ingredient, and orange juice from a box contains high fructose sugar, which is higher than soda. Fructose increases uric acid and triglycerides.

2. Coffee with milk

various menus such as mocha, latte, cappuccino, etc., that’s because they add a lot of syrup, namely fructose corn syrup, which also increases uric acid and triglycerides. If you want, change to plant milk such as oat milk, almond milk, etc.

3. 3 in 1 coffee 

As we all know, the creamer in 3 in 1 coffee and creamer causes coronary artery disease, cerebral artery disease, causing the body to produce up to 5 times more cholesterol in the body.

4. Traditional coffee

that is popularly added with sweetened condensed milk and evaporated milk, is trans fat like creamer and has the same effect on health as creamer.

The recommended coffee is Americano and espresso without sugar. It is recommended to drink light roasted coffee because it still retains its nutritional value.